Κυριακή 31 Ιανουαρίου 2016


Malignant cancerous cells have 4 main differences compared to normal healthy cells:

1. "Primitive". Cancer cells are characterized by loss of differentiation. The more malignant, the more advanced the cancer, the more primitive cancer cells are. For example, in end-stage metastases (such as brain metastases in melanoma) the origin of the cancer is many times impossible to determine because the cells have lost so much of their differentiation, they have become so primitive, that the tissue of origin is impossible to be determined. In other words, cancer is the transition from a highly specialized differentiated state to a primitive undifferentiated state.

2. "Hunger". Compared to normal cells, cancer cells consume nutrients constantly, their metabolism is very high. This is one of the causes of cancer-related cachexia.

3. "Sex". Compared to normal cells, cancer cells reproduce (multiply) extremely fast and out of control.

4. "Domination": Compared to normal cells, cancer cells dominate their environment, are invasive.

At this point, it becomes obvious that the four main characteristics of cancer cells overlap with the four main characteristics of the animal: primitive, hungry and driven by reproduction and domination. The element that further highlights the similarities between cancer cells and animals is the fact that they "evolve" through genetic mutations driven by "natural selection"; this is the main process driving resistance for example in cancer medications...

According to recent estimates, "genetic" defects account for no more than 5-10% of all cancers (many debate that if anything this is an overestimate). What I describe is a potential explanation of the general picture and not of the "exceptions". For example, cancer in infants is a different discussion since the developing human at that age is still largely animalistic (acts mainly on instincts, not intellect), has not developed into a full human yet...

Therefore, cancer can be seen as a process of regression to an animalistic state at the cellular level. I speculate that it is the final outcome of long-lasting process of preventing humans to develop true intellect by keeping them in instinct-driven animal states through limitation of access to resources... cancer is the "release" or the "cellular transformation" of suppressed animal instincts... this is why intellect "protects" against cancer...


Τετάρτη 27 Ιανουαρίου 2016

Ξαναβυθίζω την Αργώ,
Σκοτώνω τον πελαργό...

Βάζω τέλος στο διασυρμό,
Ολοκληρώνω τον ειρμό...


Γεννιέσαι μέσα σε ένα απέραντο σκοτάδι,
Ψάχνεις απεγνωσμένος ένα ψεύτικο χάδι...
Στη σύγχυση χαμένος με κίβδυλο σημάδι,
Η ντροπή σου άπατο και σκοτεινό πηγάδι...


Σάββατο 23 Ιανουαρίου 2016

The primitive "social" structures that can be observed in groups of animals living together are revolving around one and only one topic: SURVIVAL! And survival is ensured through food and reproduction. And FOOD is central since it is a "condition" for reproduction. Everything revolves around food and sex in the world of animals. this is the kind of world that the current establishment is envisioning for the future, a world where everything revolves around food and sex. That is how animals "collectively solve" the challenges associated with future uncertainty, by accumulating/storing material...

How different is the materialistic approach of animals with the "prevailing" approach today where the accumulation of wealth constitutes the basic foundation of social structures among "humans"? Most laws revolve around the protection of "private property", the protection of material accumulation... the first laws ever (by the Hellen Draco, the so called "Δρακόντεια μέτρα") were established for the protection of private property. Ιn fact, the concepts of private property and punishment were "born together". Materialism, the accumulation of wealth, not only does not secure a better future but pushes humanity toward a direction where animalistic instincts dominate instead of human intellect... it is the ultimate step backwards!!!

As such, the entire idea a banking is absolutely animalistic! Haven't we all been exposed to the ridiculous tale of the ant and the grasshopper where humans are being described as insects and fall basically into two categories (the establishment uses dipoles extensively and this is another one)? Those that work like slaves to accumulate wealth and get rewarded, and those that do nothing and get punished... It is not a surprise that once the bankers took over the world, suddenly, we need to study animals and the way their societies are being organized to "learn more about ourselves"... suddenly, what we used to call "the law of the jungle" has become the vision for the future and is being presented as something very modern and entirely "science-based"... suddenly, the quote "only the strong survive" has become "wise" and desirable... animal modeling has become the basis of human psychiatry and it is widely accepted that Pavlov's experiment' s on dogs apply to humans. Well, Pavlov' s experiments apply to "human dogs" not to "humans"!

Simply said, once the banking animals took over, all they are trying to achieve is to bring humanity back to the "social" structures we encounter in animals such as primates, and which are based in the accumulation of material and wealth along with domination for reproduction... and that is the ultimate obstacle to human evolution!

I will close by saying that these animals have been trying to inhibit the process of true human evolution (which is intellect-based and not material-based) for thousands of years now and they have tried to enforce that by committing the most gruesome crimes in history. Many of those not willing to comply have been ridiculed and/or killed. Despite all the fear, all the ridicule, all the punishment, all the killings, humans are still here and are more than ever... It is only a matter of time when we will send those animals back to the jungle where they belong to live among their peers!


Τετάρτη 20 Ιανουαρίου 2016

Το οκτάωρο συντηρεί τον πολίτη κουρασμένο,
Οι οθόνες διατηρούν το συρφετό υπνωτισμένο...

Άλλοι είναι οι τζίτζικες και άλλοι τα μυρμήγκια,
Είναι διαχρονικά βαθιά της σήψης τα λαρύγγια...


Σάββατο 16 Ιανουαρίου 2016

Οι σύγχρονοι πολίτες, μορφωμένοι παπαγάλοι,
Αναπαράγουν με ευλάβεια αυτά που είπαν άλλοι...
Σου λένε το να αμφισβητείς είναι απλά σπατάλη,
Ανάμεσα στα ερείπια χορεύουν πεντοζάλη...


Οι άφωνοι εξερευνούν αρχαίες ιστορίες,
Απελπισμένοι καταφεύγουν σε διαμαρτυρίες...

Πρώτη ύλη η σιωπή φτιάχνει αυτοκρατορίες,
Αυτεπάγγελτη βορά για μεγαλοκαρχαρίες!


Τετάρτη 13 Ιανουαρίου 2016

Ο μόνος τρόπος οικονομικής εκμετάλλευσης ευρέως διαθέσιμων αγαθών (όπως το φαγητό, το νερό, το έδαφος, η ενέργεια, η συνουσία, κλπ) είναι ο έλεγχος ευρείας πρόσβασης μέσω της επιβολής νομικών περιορισμών...


Κυριακή 10 Ιανουαρίου 2016

Η πορεία της αλήθειας, υπέροχη ανηφόρα,
Ξεκινά στο εδώ και καταλήγει στο τώρα...

Στις σκιές παραμονεύουν θηρία αιμοβόρα,
Δελεάζουν τα θηράματα, παγίδες με δώρα...

Άνθρωπε κοίτα μπροστά, μη φοβάσαι, προχώρα!


Σάββατο 9 Ιανουαρίου 2016

Τα λόγια μου απλά, αλήθεια γεμάτα,
Βαρέθηκα να ακούω για θλιβερά μαντάτα...

Από μικρός μου έλεγαν, «Μη, σταμάτα!»

Το φόβο προσπερνώ με βήματα σταράτα,
Και χαλάω τη γιορτή σε θηρία χορτάτα!


Τη μιζέρια σου να κρύψεις, αγωνιείς και πάλι,
αγκαλιάζεις γι' άλλη μια φορά την ιερή κραιπάλη
«φοράς» ότι σου σερβίρουν, γιορτινό καρναβάλι...
Εικονική πραγματικότητα, το μαύρο σου το χάλι,
ρε χαμάλη, η αξιοπρέπειά σου ισοβίως υπεστάλη
πάρε τη ζωή στα χέρια σου, βγες απ' την αιθάλη!


Σάββατο 2 Ιανουαρίου 2016

Η μελέτη του παλιού δεν είναι δημιουργία,
Μα ανατροφοδοτεί αρρωστημένη λαιμαργία...
Η λατρεία του αρχαίου καθιστά θηριωδία,
ΟΧΙ δε θα συμμετέχω στη γιορτινή κηδεία!